Discover Jordan on your own
Jordan is a very interesting country in Western Asia, bordering on Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Jordan covers an area of 89,000 square kilometers, which is about the size of Austria.
Traveling with a rental car Jordan is very worthwhile as the country’s most unknown land is hiding many cultural treasures. However, you should save yourself this exploration tour with the rental car for spring or autumn, because Jordan can get very hot in the summer months.
We plan your own discovery journey
In case you like to discover Jordan on your own , we provide all services like car rental, hotels , accommodations ..etc.
They want to feel free from distance and time pressure. Experience on your own and all alone. We will give you the most important information to take care of your wishes and equipment. Interesting to know is that in Jordan is the deepest point in the world, about 400m below sea level. Other places to visit on a tour with the car hire are Amman, the capital with many ancient ruins but also in the city of Petra, a truly remarkable old Arab city with impressive houses, you should take a trip with the car. Also a day trip by car from Zai to Debeen is worthwhile. Discover your discovery trip without a hitch with
Here you can get your personal travel offer .
Rent a Car we have the best rates and services in Jordan 24/7 costumer care.